Lee Harris
author : Lee Harris
A. Kaylee is an author, blogger, and sister to 7; she enjoys reading, writing, and doing school which she is excited and sad to be in her second to last year of homeschool. When she’s not writing Kaylee is likely reading, or spending time with her family. Indie-publishing her first short story on January 31st, 2019 while working on the first draft to three full-length novels that she hopes to one-day indie-publish. One a spy-thriller, another a sequel to Rooftop Sanctuary, and the last is a secret!
Lee Harris Book Series
The Happy Birthday Murder
The Silver Anniversary Murder
Father's Day Murder
The Valentine's Day Murder
The Cinco de Mayo Murder
Murder in Hell's Kitchen
Yom Kippur Murder
The Good Friday Murder
The April Fools' Day Murder
The Thanksgiving Day Murder
The Mother's Day Murder
Murder in Greenwich Village
The Christmas Night Murder
The Christening Day Murder
The Passover Murder
The Labor Day Murder
The Bar Mitzvah Murder